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The Dublin University Journal of Criminology is the first journal of its kind in Ireland. In recognising the gap in Irish research for such work in Criminology, students in Trinity College Dublin set out to establish this journal in 2020.


This peer-reviewed journal now in its fourth year, and is currently accepting submissions for Volume IV which will be published in the spring. We accept submissions from undergraduate and postgraduate students studying on the island of Ireland.



Submissions now open for Volume IV

The DUJC was set up to offer a platform to students of criminology across the island of Ireland. We encourage submissions from both undergraduate and postgraduate students on any topic related to criminology and the adjacent fields of criminal law, victimology, penology and criminal justice reform.



Submissions should be:

  • No more than 8,000 words in length, excluding footnotes.

  • Referenced using either OSCOLA or Harvard styles.

  • Times New Roman font, size 12 and 1.5 spaced.

  • Include the cover sheet linked here.

  • Emailed to by 23.59 on Friday 16th February 2024.

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Ivana Bacik

Speaks to the DUJC on Criminology

We were delighted to welcome Ivana Bacik TD, Honorary President of the Journal, for a discussion on criminology and criminal law on Monday 27th November. Thank you to everyone who joined us and asked insightful questions on Irish neutrality, sex work and more. 

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The Journal is managed by an Editorial Board composed of students from Trinity College Dublin and other Irish universities. The Board consists of an Executive team who oversee the running and management of the Journal as well as a team of Senior, Junior, Copy and Design Editors who conduct the editorial process. 


Want to Write for Us?

Have you written an article relating to the discipline of criminology? Why not submit it for publication?


Check out our submissions guidelines page below to see our requirements for publication. 


Also don't forget to check out any of our past publications to see the quality and style of our articles. 

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To Our


We want to give our sincerest thank you to our wonderful sponsors - the Trinity Trust for their kind support. 


Without your support, this Journal would not have been possible.

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